7 Benefits of Software Maintenance Outsourcing

Outsourcing software maintenance

Now that your software product is live, users begin to use your software and the first bug reports start hitting your issue tracker. As your features get exploited more and more, new ideas and enhancements reach your feedback channels. A security report comes in, tagging a well-trusted library with a serious vulnerability…

What is the Maintenance Phase of Software Development?

The maintenance phase of the SDLC begins after the software has been placed into operation. In the maintenance phase, software is given upgrades, bug fixes, patches and more.

Remote work…Know when to disconnect

Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will. When you’re working away from an office, you might be tempted to sit at your desk till 3 a.m. to get that last project completed. Successful remote work requires you to put boundaries in place that protect both your work and your life from becoming inextricably linked.